open up, let it out & move forward
Embracing the feel good of everyday life
through conversation, exploration & connection
What is Forth?
"Out from a starting point and forward or into view."
In this modern world full of external noises, images, ideas, portrayals of perfection, societal pressures etc. it is easier than ever to get off track of your own individual true north. The acknowledgment of these isn't enough, it takes a mind shift and consistent effort to ensure your mind, your energy, your body have alignment for what serves you best.
Why Free?
All of us, at one point (or several in my case), have fallen into the autopilot 'something will come to me and make me happier' idea. It's up to us to become more self aware and understand what serves us that the outside world can't fulfill. For that, it's in the hands of the individual to find freedom from the noise, to take a step back and find something that brings you light and joy. I want to share and build a community where you can be honest, vulnerable and open to new things, ideas that will serve you better each day. After all, only you know what's best for you whether you know what it is or not.